速報APP / 攝影 / Camera Night Vision - Night Mode Camera

Camera Night Vision - Night Mode Camera





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Camera Night Vision - Night Mode Camera(圖1)-速報App

Night Vision Camera - Night Mode Camera

The application Night Vision Camera - Night Mode Camera takes real pictures and videos at the lowest luminosity without any additional appliances.

thus producing an outstanding effect.

The application Night Vision Camera - Night Mode Camera works without any delays and lags. During the photo/video recording you can dynamically

change camera sensitivity to achieve the best result as well as set any 4x zoom simultaneous to the recording. The application has own library to

organize photos and videos, and share them on social sites.

(Take a note it's just an effect it's not a real thermal camera).

Night Vision Camera works perfectly in Night and in Darkness. It can take HD pictures in night and in very low Luminosity and you can easily control the light.

Remember, this application Night Vision Camera - Night Mode Camera does not provide all the capabilities of a real night vision device.

It improves the quality of what you can see in the dark and is meant to be used for fun. The end result depends on the quality of the camera on your phone.

Night Vision Camera - Night Mode Camera simulator is free, .


Camera Night Vision - Night Mode Camera(圖2)-速報App

•Color saturation picker

•Green amplification mode

•Digital Zoom with Zoom in & Zoom out buttons

•Light Amplifier buttons

•photo/video recording

•Face Detection

•High Quality View

•Color Mode and Black & White Mode


•Manual focus and continuous auto focus

•White balance selector

Remember, this application Night Vision Camera - Night Mode Camera does not provide all the capabilities of a real night vision device.

Camera Night Vision - Night Mode Camera(圖3)-速報App

It improves the quality of what you can see in the dark and is meant to be used for fun. The end result depends on the quality of the camera on your phone.

Night Vision Camera - Night Mode Camera simulator is free, .